Just about all of our new toys are through from Cabrinha and they continue to blow us away! Last week I added a 5th kite to my quiver with a new 7m 2013 Cabrinha Drifter and haven’t stopped smiling since!

Perfection comes at a price but if you act quickly you might be able to get between 30 and 40% off a new Cabrinha! We’re smashing everyone’s pricing by creating packages that are only possible through Kitesurfkings. We could save you up to £640 off just one kite! Call (+44) 01273 88 88 33 or (+44) 07878 399 419, alternatively email me directly at: luke@kitesurfkings.com

cabrinha 2013 kites


Rather than review the 2013 Cabrinha kite and board range in full I’m going to keep it short and sweet by focussing on some of the new arrivals that have really rocked our kiting worlds. You can read through Cabrinha write ups on their website but this review reflects our views.

Kitesurfkings hosted the first public kit demo for the 2013 Cabrinha kite and board range at Shoreham Beach on the 19th July 2012 and, just the 2012 Cabrinha demo day in 2011, the wind really delivered on the day. If you kite the south coast of England you’ll know it’s seriously lucky to bag wind on a given day! Especially two years in a row 😉 This resulted in a lot of super stoked kitesurfers enjoying afterwork, sunset sessions on the latest offerings from Cabrinha and their 2013 kite and board range.

After the demo day I ordered myself a full quiver of Cabrinha Chaos kites(well 5.5m, 9m and 11m to be exact), Cabrinha’s new c-kite for 2013. Needless to say they are awesome kites and the feedback I have received from other riders around the world has all been extremely positive. Cabrinha have really opened the lid on exciting kiting sessions for the more experienced rider. Although the Chaos’ predecessor, the Cabrinha Nomad, catered for the more hardcore freestylers by looping comfortably and offering solid performance when unhooking it was a hybrid and could never loop quite as fast, have as much consistency or be as smooth and predictable whilst unhooked as a dedicated c-kite. Cabrinha, we salute you, please don’t take it away from us in 2014!!

2013 Cabrinha Chaos

Recommendations and reviews are always going to be subjective and are going to take into account personal opinion. So, if you’re reading this Kitesurfkings blog for the first time then please let me introduce myself. My name’s Luke Denny, I’m the homeless looking dude in the picture above. I run Kitesurfkings, which is the longest running kitesurf school in the area and I do as much teaching myself as possible. Before starting Kitesurfkings I managed a kitesurf shop for three years, needless to say I love kites and have flown a lot of them. This leads me onto quite a bold statement…

…The 2013 7m Cabrinha Drifter is the best kite I have ever flown!

Come and have a demo or just take my word but if you like wave riding then get your wallet out! We guarantee to give you the best price available and you could have a 2013 Drifter (or any of the other Cabrinha kites or boards) in your hands, depending on where in the world you live, within 24 hours! Anyway, why the Drifter?

Well, if you like the idea of feeling continually connected to a kite, never experiencing any stalls, luffs or slack lines, being able to through a kite around, flying it across the wind window or using kite and down loops to turn with a continual power delivery but without being over powered or pulled off of your wave… it’s all about the 2013 Cabrinha Drifter! Come and fly one today, they are incredible!!! Oh, yes, the obvious stuff: great relaunch, wind range and market leading safety systems – standard Cabrinha Rolls Royce standards.

I’m so excited about the 2013 Cabrinha Drifter that I’ll teach you to kitesurf for free if you buy one, honestly! If you live too far away from the south coast of England to come for UK lessons then I’ll give you a £300 credit towards a Kitesurfkings international session… or maybe a free kite board – just for buying the perfect kite, the 2013 Cabrinha Drifter!

2013 Cabrinha Drifter

Our top three Cabrinha changes from 2012 to 2013 have been the addition of their c-kite, the Cabrinha Chaos, the fine tuning that has upped the 2013 Drifter’s freestyle performance, making it an incredible all rounder that’s born to ride waves and the Switchblade’s Siren series with corresponding ‘woman’s’ bar. There are signs of real change in Cabrinha’s kite boards too, with the 2013 kiteboards being the first to come from Cabrinha’s own, dedicated, kite board factory. I think we’ll see more from Cabrinha’s latest investment into the development of kitesurfing in 2014 but there are already signs of real brilliance coming through.

Exciting advancements have also been made with Cabrinha’s Switchblade, Crossbow and Vector kites, not to mention the beautiful, black and white Quicklink bar set up, but I don’t know if I’d ever stop typing so will draw a line here! There have been many awesome changes made to Cabrinha’s 2013 product range but if you’re interested in finding out more then it’ll save everyone’s eyes if you just get on the phone (+44) 01273 88 88 33 or (+44) 07878 399 419 and ask away.

Cabrinha aren’t the only kite brand in the world but they are the best 😉

Perfection comes at a price but if you act quickly you might be able to get between 30 and 40% off that price. We’re smashing everyone’s pricing by creating packages that are only possible through Kitesurfkings. We could save you up to £640 off just one kite! Call (+44) 01273 88 88 33 or (+44) 07878 399 419, alternatively email me directly at luke@kitesurfkings.com